Сертификат АРСТ ООД

Quality Management System

ARST LTD believes that the foundation for any organization is its interest, attitude and responsibility in building and maintaining a Quality Management System (QMS).

For better efficiency of all processes in the Company, since 2015 we have been certified according to international standard ISO 9001:2015. The standard gives us guidelines to adhere more and more strongly to the high quality of stainless steel production and services, as well as to meet the needs of the stakeholders.


Our basic principles of quality management are:

  • Customer orientation – we strive to continuously improve the efficiency of the quality management system in order to meet the high requirements of our customers, for their current and future needs;
  • Management – the active participation of the Management creates unity of goals and orientation of the C It defines the objectives of the quality policy, making the necessary efforts be accepted, recognized and implemented at all organizational levels;
  • Risks and opportunities – they are determined by the Management of the Company, based on an analysis of internal and external circumstances of the environment, the needs and the expectations of the stakeholders;
  • Staff engagement – each of our employees bears responsibility for the quality of their work, within his or her competence;
  • Process approach – all processes for achieving the Company’s goals, planning activities, implementation and measurement of processes, analysis, corrective actions are defined;
  • Relationships with suppliers – The correct and correct relationships with suppliers are of paramount importance for us. The processes related to the quality of the delivery of the materials, their tracking, defect reporting, weighing differences, correct quality certificate, which is a mandatory part for all the materials and products that we keep in stock;
  • Continuous quality improvement – our goal is to ensure long-term high competitiveness by constantly providing stainless steel materials and services which meet the customer requirements and the applicable regulatory requirements.

The Management of ARST LTD. confirms its responsibility and commitment to the development, the implementation and the application of the Quality Management System (QMS). Further to that, it undertakes to periodically assess the compliance of the system with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, to establish its efficient operation and to take corrective actions to improve it.